Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Deconstruct a Spell or Charm.

When it comes to working with spells and charms always have your News Paper Reporters hat near by. The five Ws of good reporting (Who What When Where Why) also work well in understanding both your own and other peoples spells and charms. So before you get out your pointy hat and broom. Put on that reports hat and get out that big magnifying glass and do a bit of good old fashioned snooping

This simple little useful tool set can be used on any spell or charm and besides giving us a better idea of how the spell or charm works, what and where we can change it or substitute ingredients and parts. In can help you do a better spell or more powerful charm. By showing where and what and when to focus your Psychic Energy. This is often not just the target of a spell or charm.

We start by asking and answering these six or so simple questions


  1. The What: What is this spell or charm for?
    What is in the spell or charm and why is it used? Did the author perhaps leave out secret ingredients or steps? Worst did author perhaps list the wrong ones to keep the uninitiated from succeeding with the work?

  2. The Where : Where is spell being done or charm made and used. Why there, would it work some other place? What other places could it be done or used?

  3. The When: When is this spell to be done or charm made? Why at this time, phase of Moon, Day (who rules the day,) Hour (who rules the hour) or Season, is it one of the high Holy Days? Would it work at other times ? Note there may be more one then one set of times to consider. One for the gathering of all the herbs or other ingredients. One for the blessing, mixing and making. And one for the final charging, casting, launching or giving of the charm to target.

  4. The Who: First who or what is involved in this spell or charm's power? Gods, Goddesses, Loa, Lwa, Spirits, Ancestors, Other-kin or Genius Loci. What role does each one play? Next who is involved it the results of it. Who does it protect or help. Who does it harm or protect from harming whom?

  5. The Why: Why is this spell or charm needed. Think deeply is this “Why” worth the cost of this spell or charm. Both in real time, money, psychic energy and Karma? Could the same results be won by a different less costly way?

  6. The How: And we have one more that the reporter seldom needs to look for. How does this spell or charm really work. Is it using third party powers like Gods, Spirits, Ancestors, Other-kin or Genius Loci ? If so why are they willing to help you and at what cost (is there hidden cost also) ? Does it use Sympathetic Magick , Ceremonial Magick, Geo Magick, Astrological Magick, Pure Psychic Energy, The Placebo Effect , if so on who, you the one being protected or directed, your enemy or theirs? If so how will you be sure they know about this powerful Placebo?

TDK / The Druid King
    Copyright George King May 3, 2013
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