Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Buffer Zone, where loved ones meet!

A real class in how the real and Astral Words work!

By our guest chief instructor Janice Scott-Reeder.

The Buffer Zone, where loved ones meet Just click on link below to Janice's blog.


Please give this Blog a little Positive feedback by clicking on a sponsor's ad. They will give us feedback by putting a few pennies in the Cat's Food Fund.

Blessing on you and yours.

Oh and join us on Facebook 

You may join the public Bounce group and then just ask to be our private group.HooDoo VooDoo Druid Do, Bounce page

HooDoo Vodou DruiDo in the Grove

You will need to friend with me to get into private group.

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at www.facebook.com/cosmicsalamander,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it.
http://inventorsangels.blogspot.com, Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.
http://holomultiverses.blogspot.com/Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.


What is Druido and Druid “Gris Gris”

Ok lets start with what the term DruiDo or Druido is.

It is a a made up term for a special Druid terminology including a working Druid “gris gris”, that this author coined. Perhaps it has been used by others before, I do not really know.

It came from a saying that I have used over many years, “WhoDo VooDoo WeDo”.

I am active in a small number of Hoodoo, Conjure, Rootwook and Vodou groups. But let me be clear on one point, I study it, learn from it, its view of the Psychic Worlds but I am not a Vodousaint or even Voodooist in many ways. And yet I walk the same grave yards and am not a stranger to their ways.

Still their energy and enthusiasm for Magick and the real Psychic World was something I missed among the Druid social woods I walk in.

And the use of Conjure is well founded or documented in our Druid / Bardic historical records, so I felt it was time to rediscover or create a Conjure Cauldron to cook up recipes (spells) that we can use in our everyday lives.

As I want to both share with and learn from as many active people that are  using everyday Magick.  I created a Blog and Facebook Group Called “ Hoodoo Vodou Druido in the grove for this new Conjure Cauldron to live in. And for us to share ideas, recipes and real life experiences.

So what is Druido “gris gris” ? 
To understand this let us look at what the common gris gris is defined as by a Hoodoo artist and writer I admire very much.

gris gris by: Denise Alvarado "This has been an ongoing issue for years there. ju Ju used to be a system as a way of life, similar to gris gris in that the systme has in place the means for dealing with every day life. The tradition was passed down from elders to children. Ju ju was , and still is largely used for prtection of the home and property and defense and such. over time the system has become corrupted, or a growing number of people have used it for much more nefarious purposes and has been found in connection with human trafficking. Also albino African children are sometimes abducted and murdered by such ju ju priests who believe the body parts of albinos are extra powerful. 

So first of all I do hope no one will use Druido gris gris for nefarious purposes. Yet Magick energy is often like stick, it can be our walking cane helping us, our club defending us or a weapon threatening or attacking others.

The accumulatio , practices, formulations and spells for Druido gris gris are just getting started. And we will shop together  for ideas and ingredients from around the World to add to Conjuer Cauldron.

At the same time we will all be sharing and learning new ideas and methods of Hoodoo, Vodou, Conjuer, Root Work, Witchcraft's  Sympathetic Magic, Ceremonial Magic and a bit of Parapsychology at the same time.

So if your Druidry is just too formal for everyday problems try some Druido gris gris.

Moon Rising

TDK , The Druid King

Except for quote from Denise Alvarado all is copyrighted by George King May 1, 2013

Please give this Blog a little Positive feedback by clicking on a sponsor's ad. They will give us feedback by putting a few pennies in the Cat's Food Fund.

Blessing on you and yours.

Oh and join us on Facebook 

You may join the public Bounce group and then just ask to be our private group.HooDoo VooDoo Druid Do, Bounce page

HooDoo Vodou DruiDo in the Grove

You will need to friend with me to get into private group.

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at www.facebook.com/cosmicsalamander,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it.
http://inventorsangels.blogspot.com, Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.
http://holomultiverses.blogspot.com/Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Do you use Water Magick

Water Magick

Water Magick can take so many forms. As one of the four basic elements, working with its elemental spirits and energies. There are many spirits that live in places of water and or of the Water's element energy. Each tribe race and culture has its own many names for these spirits.

Tapping into the power of water bases pools of energy, springs, ponds, lakes, seas, tides,snow, rain, flood and storms is very powerful Water Magick. There are many forms of Defensive or Offensive Weather Control Magick .

Water is the universal solvent in your herbal and root work. Plant life and growing things and the interactions of Moon tides. Sometimes Water Magick is as using simple things like running water for grounding or as spirit breaks and guards.

I often simple glass of water between myself and my client during a psychic reading to absorb the negative energy and keep my Aura clean. Ritual baths and other Aura Mind Body Soul preparations use forms of :Water related Magick".

Lack of water or "Dehydration Magick" also has great power and energy pools like the great Deserts of the World.

Water is the major part of all Carbon based life forms and their DNA or body fluids related Magick . Even many stones and crystal contain an import balance with H2O in their structure therefor responding to the call of Water Magick.

I should not leave out the important uses Water Magick in dealing with light reflective images, transmitting psychic energy or messages. Water reflective Scrying, image breaking using water. Manifestation or Masking using Mist Magick.

There is also one of my favorite HooDoo DruiDo works "Rusty Magick" that often employs the powers of water.

I have been directed to craft some (new?) simple but unique Water based Magick Tools but that is for another story someday.

And then there is of course the best form of all Kissing.

The Druid King

Copyright 02-02-2012

Please give this Blog a little Positive feedback by clicking on a sponsor's ad. They will give us feedback by putting a few pennies in the Cat's Food Fund.

Blessing on you and yours.

Oh and join us on Facebook 

You may join the public Bounce group and then just ask to be our private group.HooDoo VooDoo Druid Do, Bounce page

HooDoo Vodou DruiDo in the Grove

You will need to friend with me to get into private group.

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at www.facebook.com/cosmicsalamander,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it.
http://inventorsangels.blogspot.com, Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.
http://holomultiverses.blogspot.com/Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Samantha Effect

Question, do you use the “Samantha Effect “ in your everyday Psychokinetic needs?

Taking advantage of the expected Pseudo Positive Feedback in a somewhat like Placebo Effect mental training and reinforcement.

The use of gestures like Samantha (The Witch in Be Witched old TV series) wiggling her nose to make something happen is the “Samantha Effect “

Using and gesture will willing something to happen (Your Psychokinetic need) say like a Red traffic light to change to Green.

So you already know sooner or later light will change to green. There is a Positive Feedback or Positive Reinforcement effect. Same as you use with kids and pets (Oh Good boy or Good job, thanks).

The "Placebo Effect" is yes it would have turned green anyway!

But the fact that you willed an event to happen, tied that to a special gesture (Hand, Noise, etc) and it happened reinforces the Subconscious that your will and gesture together and releasing your Magick or Psychokinesis.

This should help you develop real true control and power. And you want to make this work automatically  in time of emergency!

Here is an example of what I mean. I am often a passenger in a Car. When we need a break in traffic or say are making a left turn on arrow and right turning cars should yield but does not look like they are about to. I will them to slow down or stop. Both in the mind and with a physical gesture.

 Now if out of the blue I see a car about to hit us, this gesture and Psychokinetic action, wish or spell happens automatically with a heavy energy level aimed both at the other drivers mind and the car itself.

I find it really seems to work!  And I use hand gestures as I can not wiggle my nose! Lets hear from you and if and how you do it?

TDK / The Druid King

Copyright George King April 24, 2013

Please give this Blog a little Positive feedback by clicking on a sponsor's ad. They will give us feedback by putting a few pennies in the Cat's Food Fund.

Blessing on you and yours.

Oh and join us on Facebook 

You may join the public Bounce group and then just ask to be our private group.HooDoo VooDoo Druid Do, Bounce page

HooDoo Vodou DruiDo in the Grove

You will need to friend with me to get into private group.

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at www.facebook.com/cosmicsalamander,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it.
http://inventorsangels.blogspot.com, Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.
http://holomultiverses.blogspot.com/Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Blog Introduction.

A Druid and Natural Witch gathers spells and Magick from around the World to share and discuss under the Old Oak Trees. Not a place for the faint of Heart or Rose colored glasses.

TDK "The Druid King"

Please give this Blog a little Positive feedback by clicking on a sponsor's ad. They will give us feedback by putting a few pennies in the Cat's Food Fund.

Blessing on you and yours.

Oh and join us on Facebook 

You may join the public Bounce group and then just ask to be our private group.HooDoo VooDoo Druid Do, Bounce page

HooDoo Vodou DruiDo in the Grove

You will need to friend with me to get into private group.

Copyright  2013 George King

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at www.facebook.com/cosmicsalamander,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it.
http://inventorsangels.blogspot.com, Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.
http://holomultiverses.blogspot.com/Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.