Sunday, August 31, 2014

Orlog Fundamental Law Germanic North European concept

>> orlog
"Original" or "fundamental law", the Germanic/North European concept of the principles governing the universe. Orlog includes both physical and moral laws, and encompasses such things as gravityrelativity and cause-and-effect. The term "orlog" may also be used in reference to the general purpose of a person's life, in which case it is similar to the concepts of both destiny and avocation.
"The orlog of Jupiter is to orbit the Sun."
by Aelswyth Alansdohter June 21, 2007 <<


Instead, they are the natural course of one's life. Everybody is born with certain abilities: strengths in some areas, weaknesses in others. One's own Wyrd is the way these abilities will lead you through life. Problems, confusion, stress and depression arise when we try (whether through our own actions or external pressure) to work against it. This can be regarded as the Reality of our Life. Therefore Wyrd is related to the Web of Reality. The difference between Wyrd and the Web is that  we can leave the path of our Wyrd, but the Web (the Reality) of our new situation will always remain with us, and will constantly be attempting to pull us back on course.

One of the principles of Asatru is to seek one's own Orlog and endeavor to work with it. This means learning to live with the Reality of yourself, using your strengths and accepting your weaknesses, while at the same time attempting to use them as strengths by working with them and not against them. This shows that, while living against your Orlog creates problems, living in accordance with your Orlog will not necessarily be easy, although it will be regarded as challenging rather than problematical.

The concepts of Orlog and Wyrd do not end here, however. All things have their own Orlog, their own Path of Reality. This includes concepts and situations. It also includes Creation itself. All individual Orlogs are facets of the Universal Orlog, and all are part of the great Web of Fate being woven by the Norns.  <<

From The Nine Noble Virtues:

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