Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Druidic Seeds of D. H. R.

While well passed witching hour I find myself collecting rare seeds of Death.

Why rare, as I have haunted this area for over forty years yet this is first time they have come to my attention.

Why seeds of Death, there ate many wild animals and birds here. Yet nothing touches these bright red soft covered shining black seeds The thin red skin comes off wet in the hand and just has the feeling of poisons bright dress. The hard black seed is a little larger than a navy bean. And if maintains shine and hardness as it drys will make a nice HooDoo charm.

As of yet I know not their Species but they speak to me loudly of D. H. R. The three principles of a Druid's Way on the Ley.


Death, few think of death when looking at a seed. Yet it is the manifestation of accepting the reality of Death that brings a seed to be.  This should be the first Principle of the Druidic way. Accepting Death leads to true freedom of life.


Hope, yes there is the hope that Life Gaia goes on for ever and this hope is blessed into each seed.
This is the Druid's second principle and also our main responsibility a we walk in the Flesh. Keep hope alive and it way possible for all things, small or great.


Regeneration, yes for both animal, plant, insect and man. There is  the means and method for this to take place. For the Druid Regeneration is more than just passing on another generation, it is the Temple of the Souls Reincarnation into Gaia Future. Our Duty to share this fact of Summerland to all that wish to learn or be free from love's death lost.

So yes a simple seed holds the Druid's Egg of truth and their wisdom and duty bound.  This is found not in Temple Glass and Stone >

But on the ground in simple dirt a long ago broken bone. Where live anew will again find its home.

Moon Rising
Babel Risen

TDK / The Druid King

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