Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Meta-History Dare to know the Truth

Magdalene in the Cave. J. J. Lefebvre, 1826.

A most interesting site, much to read and research !!!


>>Metahistory is a path beyond the received scripts of history and culture, toward a world free from enslavement to historical lies and unexamined beliefs. 

Humanity is a species endangered by its beliefs, and most of all, its religious illusion of superiority. To go beyond history is not solely a human prerogative, for the path ahead is not ours alone, but the way of all sentient beings.

Closely aligned with deep ecology, and going deeper, this site develops open source spirituality that can reflect the innate sanity of humankind. It explores the question of what is a true planetary view, a way to live bonded intimately to the earth and coevolving with the non-human world. Toward that end, it invites a future myth, a story to guide the species and align one person at a time to Gaia, the living planet....
Knowledge of that which is alive can alone banish terror.
Wilhelm Reich, The Function of the Orgasm


1 comment:

  1. Some may wonder why why I picked this classic painting for this blog.

    Real truth has been hidden in the Caves for far to long from most of Humanity.

    If one can not get past this picture of a nude human, one is not ready to go into the Caves of Truth and should just run away.
