Sunday, April 6, 2014

Post Net anyone?

Do you have a Personal Post Net ?

The Four Envelope Post Net.

This is not only a Good idea for privacy and security in today's  world of Spy All Communications.
But will work in post society collapse also if anyone is left alive. Not only that but it is fun game and helps bring friends closer together.

OK everyone knows about the Six Degrees Theory so I can skip that. Yes this requires you really writing a real letter to someone. If security is a issue only hand written on old style mechanical type writer should be used. (If you do not understand why perhaps this is really not for you Dear Sheeple)

Lets go to whats needed.

1) a Group of one or more friends that can meet with other friends that can meet with other friends etc.
Most often in ever increasing circles of distance from you.

Now one can do it by Name or Numbers like Zip Codes. But unlike Zip Codes only the final circle gets to see who it is really addressed to.

Lets do an example.

Bob will be the sender to Tom in the third circle.

2) Bob writes letter to Tom and puts it in envelope (1) with Toms Name (address or not on it).

3) Bob puts letter envelope(1) in new envelope(2) with number or name of third Circle on it. perhaps will a dollar two for postage lol.

4) Bob puts envelope(2) into envelope(3) with name or number of second Circle.

5) Bob puts envelope(3) into envelope(4) with  name or number of first circle.

6) Bob takes Envelope(4) to local meeting place of his Personal Postal Net and gives it anyone or leaves it for anyone that can reach Circle  number one. If New post person is already in circle 1 he she opens envelope and sees it goes to circle number 2 and delivers a post person on post drop in circle number 2.

7) and so on.

Yes it is a bit like IP address routing tables. LOL.

So one nice thing is only last circle knows who it is addresses to.

Fast no, secure only as much as people in your circles.


Part of: Hidden Heath Stone Project

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