Saturday, May 18, 2013

Learning to see your Totem Animal

What is an animal totem ?

It is the Animal spirit or nature that may be in you, part of you or guard and watch over you.
And there are other deep and dark secrets in Totem work that we do not cover in this beginning class.

How do you find yours ? 

Visions, signs, others giving you a psychics reading, your dreams, real sighting and interactions or meditations are all valid ways to meet your Totem animal.

( Class note 1 pass out pads and pencils, tell class they will not be ask to share their answers)

Import questions for the Totem quest seeker:

1) Why do I want a Totem?

2) Why do I need a Totem?

3) What do I expect from the Totem?

4) What will I give in return to the Totem?

5) Do I understand why I should not share what my Totem is with most people?

6) Do I understand what a Totem really is?

(Class note 2 start O.F. Takedown 15 minutes)  (add breathing and relaxation notes here)

Meditation for finding your Totem:

First you must create your own Scared Space in your mind.

Imagine the most beautiful quite place you like to go to, know of or can visualize in your mind. Like woods, mountain stream, a shaded creek etc.

This is not a quick thing for most. And you need to be very relaxed almost asleep.

When you get to this place you have created, relax and imagine setting there with your back again something, tree stone or even in a chair.  And just quietly listening and watching everything around you.

See who or what comes to see you. Not everything will be your Totem. This quite psychic state of mind can attract many curious spiritual being. And also many parts of our own personalities that we are seldom conscious of.

 You may need to visit this Magical Scared Space place many times to meet your real Totem animal. But this state of mind and Scared Space is also useful for many other things.

(Class note 3 allow about 15 mines in Scared Space)

Is there something to say when I get to my Scared Space ?

Perhaps to the scared space . Hello, thanks for letting me come a visit with you all.
Please those that watch over me, protect me, dance within me please show yourselves and if you like we can talk.

What should I do if I see a animal there?

 Just resonate with it or them and feel their power, taste their life force.
If they approach  say hi my name is xxxxxxxx. If them see interested you may ask them if they are there for you or just visiting the area?

(Class note 4 start bringup)

After coming back from your Sacre Space:

After a bit of time in your Scared Space just say goodbye for now.
I will visit again soon.

And to your self, I will remember everything I felt hear and saw here when I return to normal space.

Then just start drifting back to fully awakeness.

One should record or write down all one can remember as soon as you come back or become fully awake.

Afterwards look over your notes about this experience.  Search your recent memories to see if what you encountered was  perhaps encouraged from images and ideas already in your mind do to recent events. Like what you have read or seen on TV or the internet etc.

Write down these new thoughts and feelings also. This work will become your Toten Journal, so a nice hard bound notebook is good to use.
Remember meeting one's Totem is just the beginning of a lifetime relationship. That like all meaningful and useful relationships takes continues work, effort and love.

TDK / The Druid King

Copyright George King May 18, 2013

Copyright  2013 George King

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

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