Monday, May 20, 2013

"Things of the Wind" Charge and Recharging them.

Who is Who ?
There are two Charging  and two Rechangings that we will consider here, the Ec and Wc.
The First is basic charge and recharge. Magick people often charge or recharge their Crystals and other Minerals.
Moonlight is a favorite energy source for this.
So our first we will look at here is what is Ec.
This is an Energy Charge or Recharge, just like a new rechargeable battery. That needs its first charge to work and recharges to continue to work.
Next we look at what Wc is.
This is the Willful Charge that gives an object that has been Ec charged it task or direction.
In the case of our rechargeable battery it is whatever we put in in to run. Radio Flashlight Smoke Detector or many other things.
With our Crystals and Minerals it is what and how we use them. Healing or absorbing negative energy as examples.

Ok what are "Things of the Wind"?
There are many but well will just look at three today.
Wind Chimes
Smudge Fans
Dream Catchers
What do these have in common? Yes two hang up.
And all three have Feathers , yes even wind chimes but is is often metal or wood feather.

So how do you Charge or Recharge an object of the Wind?
Well you could take it outside for a natural Ec and just let the breezes do it.
But there is a simpler way!
Your Breath breathed on the object can give it both Ec and Wc charging or recharging.
When you breath on it you are sharing the energy of the universe the Prana (Ref. 1) you have breathed in plus your own bodies  Will and Identification.
How to do this?
You may use the Rosc or Spell chant before or after or both, during the breathing onto the object you are charging and making sacred or Magical.

The Breathing:
Take three long slow breaths. On the third one whole it while you focus your mind and Will on what you want to put into the charging breath.
Remember with Breath Charging / Recharging you are giving both Raw Energy and Willful Purpose at the same time to an object.
get as close as you can to the object and slowly let you warm damp breath out and flow over and into the object along with your focused and directed Willpower.

The Rosc (Magick poem) or Chant:

Oh My Breath
Breath of Life
Breath of Light
Do my Will
Be my Might

Charge all you kiss
With my Delight.

They do my will
As is my right.

The Rosc can be changed to add special instructions as needed.
Prana: is the universal cosmic energy – which has not only given rise to the entire external world but has also created our gross body.
Pranayama: Our sages delved deeper and their understanding brought them to the conclusion that this energy is responsible for the creation and maintenance of every living being besides all inanimate objects. This fundamental principle is rudimentary to the science of pranayama.

Written by "The Druid King"

Copyright all but Reference 1 by George King May 20, 2013

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Druido for Acorns 101 Introduction

Going to start a small set of lessons on the theories of Druid Druido griss griss everyday Magick.

Yes you guessed it “Druido for Acorns 101”.

These will present in as simple as possible terms some very well known and so of my very own theories on how or why any Magick in general really works. Were possible I will expand on any Druid specific ideas and also link to other work I have published that is on the world wide web (www on internet).

Theses lessons will only be available through my Blogs and Facebook groups like “Hoodoo Vodou Druido in the grove “ both on and facebook. With names like Hoodoo Vodou and Druido I am sure that the thoughts of Cultural Appropriation will arise.

So here is how I approach it. No one owns Magick or its rules and ways. With the real age of the what are now called Druids in the hundreds of thousands of years, (no I can not prove it and care less than scat-stick if you disagree with me, please feel free to ask for a 50% tuition refund after your payment of $3,666.66 usd for the course clears). Perhaps we could say that we are doing a bit of cultural reclamation or reclaiming our Druidic lost truths from around both this World and the Astral ones.

Hope they prove useful to you and your.

Moon Rising
TDK / The Druid King

copyright George King May 20, 2013

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

How to Freeze out unwanted Romantic Attentions

1)  Buy an Image candle Male or Female (for whatever sex 

the unwanted person is).

2)  Crave their name in it and add any hair, nail clipping,

 body fluids etc you may have of them to candle. A little flour 

paste or white glue works well here.

3)  Write your petition on a small piece of paper or their

 picture if you have it. Ink jet printed one is fine. 

Petition is what you want to happen like "Leave me alone you

 (*&#@" Asshat).

4)  Fold petition if needed and wrap it around Candle at sex

 organs area with a very tight rubber band or stick it with a

 map pin. (Ouch) 

5)  Wrap candle in metal kitchen foil and put in the freezer.

  Best time to do this is on start of a waning Moon. 


Wait till next waning moon and either bury candle

 somewhere off your property,  burn it up in a small safe fire

 or just put in the outgoing garbage.


Copyright George King May 18, 2013

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spirit ID Theft, did you leave your Soul's Door Open?

Identity Theft, your (ID) is understood by most people and they try to not fall victim to Phishing Scams. Keeping their Bank Account Numbers, Credit Card Numbers Social Security number and a host of other personal information that allows on to so easily steal you Identify over the Internet and destroy your life.

Yet when it comes to your Menial Health and Spirit Health people seem so happy to share their innermost desires, fears, dreams, fetishes etc to the whole world on the Internet. Some more specific items like your Craft or Magick Names (no just a symbiotic public Avatar) but using your true inner craft name as your Facebook or other social network avatars. Your innermost Totems and the names were given to you by your spirit guides also are dumped like trash on the beach.

Oh why make a fuss you cry, I am in perfect Love And Perfect Trust of all those on the Internet, surrounded by White Light too. Ok try using those while wearing all black on a moonless night and standing in front of an oncoming Semitrailer truck doing about 80 mph some time.

 Is it because you do not really deep, deep down in your heart of hearts feel that Magick or the Psychic is real or are you just stupid? Inquiring soul hungry demons would really like to know? To say nothing of the local crazy Fundie that is praying you to hell every night and using all you have shared to help his god find you, which really will be some bored spirit or demon out for a few kicks or lunch.

 I do suspect that if a stranger asks you for some Hair, fingernail clipping and a few drops of blood you would say No Way, Josh!  A wise warrior guards the secrets of his or her or weaknesses, home-nest and their best strengths. Reviling only on the field of combat, knowing the battle is first won or lost in the fields of the Mind.

The Druid King

Copyright 03-21-2012 George King

Besides Spirit ID issues, and C.M. naming power issues, I seldom see discussed is why have private names known only to a few or just yourself.

Does not posting on Facebook the special name your lover calls you to the World take something away from it for you as others start to use it too?

If one takes the time to answer what a special name, that is really an ID reviles and a Key or Password unlocks. Then who to share it with will answer its self.

Moon Rising
TDK / The Druid King

PS As I am a Druid and my name is George King the Nom de plume revels only what it should.

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Learning to see your Totem Animal

What is an animal totem ?

It is the Animal spirit or nature that may be in you, part of you or guard and watch over you.
And there are other deep and dark secrets in Totem work that we do not cover in this beginning class.

How do you find yours ? 

Visions, signs, others giving you a psychics reading, your dreams, real sighting and interactions or meditations are all valid ways to meet your Totem animal.

( Class note 1 pass out pads and pencils, tell class they will not be ask to share their answers)

Import questions for the Totem quest seeker:

1) Why do I want a Totem?

2) Why do I need a Totem?

3) What do I expect from the Totem?

4) What will I give in return to the Totem?

5) Do I understand why I should not share what my Totem is with most people?

6) Do I understand what a Totem really is?

(Class note 2 start O.F. Takedown 15 minutes)  (add breathing and relaxation notes here)

Meditation for finding your Totem:

First you must create your own Scared Space in your mind.

Imagine the most beautiful quite place you like to go to, know of or can visualize in your mind. Like woods, mountain stream, a shaded creek etc.

This is not a quick thing for most. And you need to be very relaxed almost asleep.

When you get to this place you have created, relax and imagine setting there with your back again something, tree stone or even in a chair.  And just quietly listening and watching everything around you.

See who or what comes to see you. Not everything will be your Totem. This quite psychic state of mind can attract many curious spiritual being. And also many parts of our own personalities that we are seldom conscious of.

 You may need to visit this Magical Scared Space place many times to meet your real Totem animal. But this state of mind and Scared Space is also useful for many other things.

(Class note 3 allow about 15 mines in Scared Space)

Is there something to say when I get to my Scared Space ?

Perhaps to the scared space . Hello, thanks for letting me come a visit with you all.
Please those that watch over me, protect me, dance within me please show yourselves and if you like we can talk.

What should I do if I see a animal there?

 Just resonate with it or them and feel their power, taste their life force.
If they approach  say hi my name is xxxxxxxx. If them see interested you may ask them if they are there for you or just visiting the area?

(Class note 4 start bringup)

After coming back from your Sacre Space:

After a bit of time in your Scared Space just say goodbye for now.
I will visit again soon.

And to your self, I will remember everything I felt hear and saw here when I return to normal space.

Then just start drifting back to fully awakeness.

One should record or write down all one can remember as soon as you come back or become fully awake.

Afterwards look over your notes about this experience.  Search your recent memories to see if what you encountered was  perhaps encouraged from images and ideas already in your mind do to recent events. Like what you have read or seen on TV or the internet etc.

Write down these new thoughts and feelings also. This work will become your Toten Journal, so a nice hard bound notebook is good to use.
Remember meeting one's Totem is just the beginning of a lifetime relationship. That like all meaningful and useful relationships takes continues work, effort and love.

TDK / The Druid King

Copyright George King May 18, 2013

Copyright  2013 George King

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.


What is an animal totem ? It is the Animal spirit or nature that may be in you, part of you or guard and watch over you. And there are deep and dark secrets in Totem work that we will skip for now.
How do you find yours ? Visions, signs, others giving you a psychics reading, your dreams, real sighting and interactions or meditations are all valid ways.

Import questions for the Totem quest seeker:
1) Why do I want a Totem?
2) Why do I need a Totem?
3) What do I expect from the Totem?
4) What will I give in return to the Totem?
5) Do I understand why I should not share what my Totem is with most people?
6) Do I understand what a Totem really is?

Meditation for finding your Totem:
(add breathing and relaxation notes here)
First create your Scared Space in your mind.
Imagine the most beautiful quite place you like to go to, know of or can visualize in your mind. Like woods ,mountain stream, a shaded creek etc.
This is not a quick thing for most. And you need to be very relaxed almost asleep.
When you get there relax and imagine setting there with your back again something, tree stone or even in a chair , quietly listening and watching.
See who or what comes to see you. You may have to visit this Magickal Scared Space place many times to meet your Totem.
But it is also useful for many other things.

Is there something to say when I get to my Scared Space ? Perhaps to the scared space . Hello, thanks for letting me come a visit with you all.
Please those that watch over me, protect me, dance within me please show your selves and if you like we can talk.
What should I do if I see a animal there? Just resonate with it or them and feel their power, their life force. Ask them if they are there for you or just visiting the area? After coming back from your Sacre Space.
After a bit of time just say goodbye for now I will remember everything an I will visit again soon. Then just start drifting back to fully awake.
One should record or write down all one can remember as soon as you comeback or become fully awake.
One can of course search one's recent memories each time after returning to see if what you encountered ere perhaps from images and ideas already planted in your mind by recent events.

Copyright  2013 George King

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Is doing a Psychic Reading some kind of Sacred Religious task ? :

My dear Friends and all others in this group or any group. First let me give a micro background, I have been psychic as far back as I can remember this life's childhood. Paid the price in Blood and Belt in a "Good Southern Baptist Home" Started talking classes professionally (Paid courses and personal one on one training) in Religious Mediumship, Energy work, Parapsychology and Professional Hypnotists in 1969 after returning from a US Marines tour in Vietnam  and a great deal more personal contact with dead and dying. I have read Professionally from mid 70's on.

There is nothing more special about doing a Psychic Reading,

 (and using spirit does not equate to sacred just another form of normal communications most do not have!)

 then washing a dirty asshole in a old folks home.  Both are Honorable work, both are needed at times and both can help the client with a better life!

So way all the Money is evil crap? First learning to access the World of Spirit and the Future or Past is most often taught by other Psychics and in some form of Religious Framework.  Some of these Frameworks insist on coin changing hands others are neutral and some feel it is wrong.

Yet we live in times that the societies do not meet the needs of any just out of good will or because of their Robes and Special Arts that they may offer.

Also crying that to charge for one's time and Arts is evil is good excuse to try and get others to give away their time and Arts for free.
It also gives an excuse as to why many do not put any real value on their time or their Psychic Arts.

Of Thur Sacred Work:

There is light years of difference between offering a Public Religious Honoring service to Gala, Gods, Demons or Sun / Moon, ect and doing personal Psychic serves, whether a Reading or Griss Griss and Conjurer work.

TDK / The Druid King

Copyright April 11. 2013

Speaking of paid, if you will support this blog's sponsors by clicking on their ad  they will give its Author a few pennies and he really needs them as he is Old and out of Work after 29 years with the same Company.

I also send out a blessing each time I see someone has clicked on an ad.

You can often reach me at
And at our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander,
5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA
954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706
Where I will be your Person Magick Supplies and needs order filler if you like!
Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

The Blogs Roll: I post some of my views and research in the Pagus World I post my Poems often with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
Sounds of Silence "And the words of the prophet are written on the subway walls and tenement halls" This blog also has its own Face Book group. BDM the Brehon Druids Moot. This blog also has its own Face Book group. Obituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it. Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!

Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too. Old Druid's Spot Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things. Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Deconstruct a Spell or Charm.

When it comes to working with spells and charms always have your News Paper Reporters hat near by. The five Ws of good reporting (Who What When Where Why) also work well in understanding both your own and other peoples spells and charms. So before you get out your pointy hat and broom. Put on that reports hat and get out that big magnifying glass and do a bit of good old fashioned snooping

This simple little useful tool set can be used on any spell or charm and besides giving us a better idea of how the spell or charm works, what and where we can change it or substitute ingredients and parts. In can help you do a better spell or more powerful charm. By showing where and what and when to focus your Psychic Energy. This is often not just the target of a spell or charm.

We start by asking and answering these six or so simple questions


  1. The What: What is this spell or charm for?
    What is in the spell or charm and why is it used? Did the author perhaps leave out secret ingredients or steps? Worst did author perhaps list the wrong ones to keep the uninitiated from succeeding with the work?

  2. The Where : Where is spell being done or charm made and used. Why there, would it work some other place? What other places could it be done or used?

  3. The When: When is this spell to be done or charm made? Why at this time, phase of Moon, Day (who rules the day,) Hour (who rules the hour) or Season, is it one of the high Holy Days? Would it work at other times ? Note there may be more one then one set of times to consider. One for the gathering of all the herbs or other ingredients. One for the blessing, mixing and making. And one for the final charging, casting, launching or giving of the charm to target.

  4. The Who: First who or what is involved in this spell or charm's power? Gods, Goddesses, Loa, Lwa, Spirits, Ancestors, Other-kin or Genius Loci. What role does each one play? Next who is involved it the results of it. Who does it protect or help. Who does it harm or protect from harming whom?

  5. The Why: Why is this spell or charm needed. Think deeply is this “Why” worth the cost of this spell or charm. Both in real time, money, psychic energy and Karma? Could the same results be won by a different less costly way?

  6. The How: And we have one more that the reporter seldom needs to look for. How does this spell or charm really work. Is it using third party powers like Gods, Spirits, Ancestors, Other-kin or Genius Loci ? If so why are they willing to help you and at what cost (is there hidden cost also) ? Does it use Sympathetic Magick , Ceremonial Magick, Geo Magick, Astrological Magick, Pure Psychic Energy, The Placebo Effect , if so on who, you the one being protected or directed, your enemy or theirs? If so how will you be sure they know about this powerful Placebo?

TDK / The Druid King
    Copyright George King May 3, 2013
Please give this Blog a little Positive feedback by clicking on a sponsor's ad. They will give us feedback by putting a few pennies in the Cat's Food Fund.

Blessing on you and yours.

Oh and join us on Facebook 

You may join the public Bounce group and then just ask to be our private group.
HooDoo VooDoo Druid Do, Bounce page

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A A A's Beltane Dream spell study.

A A A's Beltane Dream spell.

A study in taking a simple spell apart to see what makes it tick.

We will take this spell apart and study the What Where When Why Who and how of it

The Dream Spell.

So as with my Pictish blood kin... Beltane Eve; a few drams of milk, honey, cinnamon (an eastern addition which they love) a thread of my finest cloth, gold...yes gold!!! and a few more which I cannot share... leave by the roots of a tree before sunset and well, your dreams should be finely met with an interesting exchange ;-)”

  1. The What: What is this spell for

  2. What is in the spell and why? What is her secret ingredients she does not share? Why are they keep secret?

  3. The Where : Where is spell being done and why there? Would it work some other place? What other places?

  4. The When: When is this spell done? Why at this time ? Would it work at other times ?

  5. Who is involved in this spell? What role does each one play?

  6. The How: How does this spell really work? Would you try a spell like this?

    TDK / The Druid King

    Copyright George King May 2, 2013 All rights to spell itself in quotes returned to A A A.
Please give this Blog a little Positive feedback by clicking on a sponsor's ad. They will give us feedback by putting a few pennies in the Cat's Food Fund.

Blessing on you and yours.

Oh and join us on Facebook 

You may join the public Bounce group and then just ask to be our private group.HooDoo VooDoo Druid Do, Bounce page

HooDoo Vodou DruiDo in the Grove

You will need to friend with me to get into private group.

***** Please*****

 Be a Lover or a Friend and click on one of the Blogs ads please! I am out of work and can use the pennies it generates!


You can often find me at,www.cosmicsalamder.comor our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander, 5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA 954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706 Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

Blog Roll
http://thedruidking.blogspot.comI post some of my views and research in the Pagus World
http://sourpearls.blogspot.comI post my Poems other with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
http://returntosummerland.blogspot.comObituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it., Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!
Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.
Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.'s Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.