Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Do you think a spell is possible without Visualization?

 The Answer:

The Question:

Do you think a spell is possible without Visualization? 

Vocalization, subvocalizaton, and yes, thought its self is purely a process of mental  visualization. 

So while I think, I understand the question's point. 

All living things that have self awareness,  can only do autonomic actions without Visualization. 

Yet arguments for Sigels, Signs, Incence, Oils and other roots of magick  perhaps can work with out pre-mential visualizations . Sorry for such a long Witchtechie answer but, you ask.

Perhaps the Great Arts should be thought of as "Superia Visualization Process". 


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Revealing Candle

No photo description available.

Have you ever heard of a revealing candle?
It is black on top with white underneath and white on the bottom with black underneath. You burn this candle to reveal the truth of a situation or person on the new moon.
It is not necessarily you who reveals the truth. It just happens most of the time.
Then you send the remains of the spell to the garbage dump as you consign that person to the garbage dump of humanity.
To explain the candle.
1. The facade that attracts people is the black on top. It burns away to show what they are hiding...the white.
2. The white or what they are hiding is burned away on the bottom to show their dark nature.
This candle doesn't just apply its magic to a single situation. It reveals the entire person or situation in all its nasty glory.
The reflective surface you burn it on broadcasts the whole gory story during the process. In short, you can expect this to hit the internet.
The candle was most often used to catch thieves and gossips. One thing you can be certain of, the truth will be revealed and someone will wish they lived somewhere else.
You must carve the situation into the outside of the candle and reveal around the base. The single chant for the ritual is: Reveal.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Dlui Fulla, The Druid's Poppet Draíocht

Did Druid's use Magick, spells, incantations, etc. The short answer is yes and some of us still do.  Although seldom discussed in Facebook groups of Druid major organizations or interest pages (that I am a member of) in our ancient past we were considered the Masters of Magick, Conjure, Curses, Rosc and Spells.
See "Ár nDraíocht Féin >  Our Own Draíocht" Ref. 3

What is to me, so interesting in "Dlui Fulla" reference, we get a glimpse of how one type of 
Draíocht or spells was done and even a hint to who started this practice. And it ties in well with other well-documented magick crafts, still very much in use today.

>>Dlui Fulla, or fluttering wisp, a wisp of straw, hay, or grass, on which
a charm or incantation was pronounced (SPELL)for a person. It was called Dlui Fulla
 (recte Fullon,) from Dlui, a wisp, and Fullon or FulIa, the name of the druid who first practised the art of pronouncing charms or incantations on a wisp of straw or hay, etc, hence Dlui Fullon literally means Fulla or Fullon's wisp, ii. 203, 204. << Ref. 1

There is also another view of Fullon's Wisp or The Madman's Wisp. I explored it some time ago. Ref. 4


Ref. 1
available at

Ref. 2
What is a Poppet Doll?
In folk magic and witchcraft, a poppet (also known as poppitmoppetmommet and pippy) is a doll made to represent a person, for casting spells on that person or to aid that person through magic. They are occasionally found lodged in chimneys.[1] These dolls may be fashioned from such materials as a carved root, grain or corn shafts, a fruit, paper, wax, a potato, clay, branches, or cloth stuffed with herbs with the intent that any actions performed upon the effigy will be transferred to the subject based on sympathetic magic. It was from these European dolls that the myth of voodoo dolls arose.[1][2] Poppets are also used as kitchen witch figures.

Poppet - Wikipedia

Ref. 3 
Draíocht - One of the three primary arts, the word is used to refer to what we would now call "magick" (in both the simple and the ritual sense). It means "the use of powers to effect ends." Spell-casting, the use of evocations and invocations, the practice of chanting, circle dancing (intended to bring about a particular end) and other arts are all considered disciplines of draíocht.

Ref. 4

Other resources:

Poppet Bone Pins

HooDoo Vodou DruiDo in the Grove. A Facebook group:
A place for sharing real everyday Gris Gris and Conjure works, ideas needs and fun. All paths Welcome !!! But beware we all tell like it is no Sugar Coatings here.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Voudou HooDoo Links

A Ancestral Service  Very nice stuff )

Chola's river-  This is a discussion forum.  I was given the honor to moderate the Vodou section of the board.  It has sections on Lukumi, Yoruba, Palo, and much more.  Mama Chola Congo, the creator of the board, is an extremely nice and very caring individual.  Honor to her!

The different paths

Trolldom info Nodic Folk magick

Sanse: Free lessons

Learn more about the Sanse Tradition and get to read more great articles on Spirituality, Religion, Psychic and Mediumship development and more at my blog at very good
List of all Lwa and their Families have saved under Vodou Lwa Good saved saved very good

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Saturday, September 2, 2017

"As Above, So Below."

The Magician displaying the Hermetic concept of "As Above, So Below."

The actual text of that maxim, as translated by Dennis W. Hauck from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, is: "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing." Thus, whatever happens on any level of reality (physical, emotional, or mental) also happens on every other level. Ref. As Above, So Below

So what is the meaning or importance of this Hermetic Maximum?

The fact that the "Above and Below" is a Two Way Street.

Call it Summerlands, The Astral Planes, Heaven, or any other of their many names. The serious conflicts on Earth-Gaia reflect that there are serious conflicts in the higher dimensions also.

Yes, the Ancient War Rages on.



A Free PDF downloadable book. The Kybalion (1912)

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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Cleromancy or Cartomancy?

 For Prophets and Seers (Fáith / Uates / Ovates / Vates)

The Reader's Gestalt advantages of an unpredictable pattern forming by the casting of lots, bones, pieces etc.can not be overlooked.  While this is also more mysterious to the client that often knows the general position meaning of  Cartomancy or Tarot Spread.

>Gestalt theory states that we perceive objects or events as an organized whole with focus on the “figure” against a background. In essence, when we “see” something our brain automatically creates meaning through its configuration and the configuration is influenced by our experience and learning.
<< Ref. 4

This allows a more three-dimensional psychic impression to form in the Readers Third or Minds Eye.

Yet depending on if Reader does use a positional mental grid for pieces meaning of attributes. For lots, this can be harder to remember both at the most important times of Casting and of reading.

If Reader does not use a Value or Attributes grid. The reading meaning must come from readers Gestalt and this is much harder or impossible for those that can only parrot canned values and card interpretations from a book.  

 I do a ten bone tell but this method was sent to me by a spirit. Which one I have no idea. It should use two sets of human hand finger bones (rewired fingers) but I use bird bones.

There is a lot that can be said about Relics, Bones, Spirit, Blood, Marrow, and DNA but it is all just theory

Ref. 1) Cartomancy

Ref, 2)Cleromancy  Casting of Lots

Ref. 3) Ink Blots and  or R o r s c h a c h  T e s t

Ref. 4) Gestalt Theory, Rorschach's Inkblots, and a Painting

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Monday, August 21, 2017


A more detailed and not Christian limited definition:

eschatology noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
Theological doctrine of the “last things,” or the end of the world. Mythological eschatologies depict an eternal struggle between order and chaos and celebrate the eternity of order and the repeatability of the origin of the world. The most notable expression of mythological eschatology is in Hinduism, which maintains belief in great cycles of the destruction and creation of the universe. Historical eschatologies are grounded in datable events that are perceived as fundamental to the progress of history. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have historical eschatologies. Eschatology in the Hebrew Scriptures sees the catastrophes that beset the people of Israel as due to their disobedience to the laws and will of God and holds that conformity to God's plan will result in renewal and the fulfillment of God's purpose. In Christianity, the end times are thought to have begun with the life and ministry of Jesus, the messiah who will return to establish the Kingdom of God. Millennialism focuses especially on Christ's second coming and the reign of the righteous on earth. In Shi'ite Islam it is believed that the mahdi, or restorer of the faith, will come to inaugurate the last judgment, in which the good will enter heaven and the evil will fall into hell. In Buddhism, eschatological traditions are associated with the Buddha Maitreya and with Pure Land Buddhism, as well as with individual efforts to achieve nirvana.