Sunday, August 31, 2014

HAMINGJA and your Bloodline.

>>In the Germanic spiritual tradition, the Hamingja was the force that was believed to run through the family. The lifestyle and conduct of the family affected the Hamingja for good or ill.
This can be regarded on several levels. On a purely physical level, in which the Hamingja can be considered to be the family reputation. The actions of any member can affect the reputation of the entire family and can last through several generations.

On a more esoteric level, the Hamingja can be seen as a many faceted 'soul', each facet of which was the separate soul of an individual person, and yet part of the joint soul of the entire family. It can be seen from this that the 'reputation' could affect the entire future of the family and the actions of one family member could create good, or bad, luck for many generations to come.

Each family was seen as coming from one of the deities, and so each individual was an extension of that deity. This is demonstrated in 'The List of Rig'. 

Also, the Anglo Saxon Chronicle lists many genealogies going back to Odin. Later, when Christianity became the leading religion, Odin was seen as being descended from Adam (for instance, the Parker Chronicle, AD853). 

The main purpose of this aspect of Hamingja was to attempt to lead a worthy life to eventually lead the family soul back to that deity.

After death, the individual soul would go to Hel - this was not a place of punishment, as in the Christian tradition, but a place of rest between incarnations. (In this, the figure of Hel as being half corpse and half beautiful woman represents the triple Goddess in the aspect of transforming from Crone to Maiden, embodying the concept of death and rebirth).

Alternatively, the soul would go to Asgard to reside in the hall of their family's deity: in other words, they would become one with their patron deity. This was a final destination, the soul would not be reborn again. 

This could be due to that particular individual having reached a level comparable to the Buddhist concept of Enlightenment, or to the entire Hamingja (family soul) being deemed worthy. There is a hall in Asgard with a golden roof for these worthy dead.

According to Asatru tradition, a person could only be reincarnated back into their own family line - they remained part of their Hamingja. 

If the family line died out, and therefore the Hamingja came to an end, none of the souls could be reborn. They would either remain in Hel, or become ghosts. 

(Another belief was that when the family line died, the entire Hamingja went to Asgard, but this seems a little too easy: entry into Asgard should require more than simply being the last of your line.) 

This explains the fierce loyalty to the family and the severe vengeance that could be instigated by the murder of a family member. Since their conduct also affected their Hamingja, it also explains the strong code of honour that the Germanic people lived by.

Hamingja also explains why it was such a great thing to die in battle: the individual soul would go straight to Asgard and side step any further incarnations, thus negating the risk of permanent residence in Hel. Also there was the added kudos of becoming a warrior for the Gods.  <<

From The Nine Noble Virtues

Postscript: Copyright George King  October 02,  2014

There is DNA of the Blood that passes many thinks like Psychic or even Physical abilities.

And then there is unknown to Most a DNA of the Soul that activates the Bloods DNA and carries memories an skills across broken Blood lines, as most are today.

When both Blood and Soul DNA match up the Power is the Greatest


Orlog Fundamental Law Germanic North European concept

>> orlog
"Original" or "fundamental law", the Germanic/North European concept of the principles governing the universe. Orlog includes both physical and moral laws, and encompasses such things as gravityrelativity and cause-and-effect. The term "orlog" may also be used in reference to the general purpose of a person's life, in which case it is similar to the concepts of both destiny and avocation.
"The orlog of Jupiter is to orbit the Sun."
by Aelswyth Alansdohter June 21, 2007 <<


Instead, they are the natural course of one's life. Everybody is born with certain abilities: strengths in some areas, weaknesses in others. One's own Wyrd is the way these abilities will lead you through life. Problems, confusion, stress and depression arise when we try (whether through our own actions or external pressure) to work against it. This can be regarded as the Reality of our Life. Therefore Wyrd is related to the Web of Reality. The difference between Wyrd and the Web is that  we can leave the path of our Wyrd, but the Web (the Reality) of our new situation will always remain with us, and will constantly be attempting to pull us back on course.

One of the principles of Asatru is to seek one's own Orlog and endeavor to work with it. This means learning to live with the Reality of yourself, using your strengths and accepting your weaknesses, while at the same time attempting to use them as strengths by working with them and not against them. This shows that, while living against your Orlog creates problems, living in accordance with your Orlog will not necessarily be easy, although it will be regarded as challenging rather than problematical.

The concepts of Orlog and Wyrd do not end here, however. All things have their own Orlog, their own Path of Reality. This includes concepts and situations. It also includes Creation itself. All individual Orlogs are facets of the Universal Orlog, and all are part of the great Web of Fate being woven by the Norns.  <<

From The Nine Noble Virtues:

Saturday, August 30, 2014


cover photo, No automatic alt text available.

The Asatru moral code of conduct is known as the Nine Noble Virtues of Asatru.

The Nine Noble Virtues represent the distilled wisdom and ancient Germanic moral code gleaned from various ancient sources including the Poetic Edda (particularly the Hávamál), the Icelandic Sagas and Germanic folklore. To live as one of the True folk, you should lead your life in accordance with the Nine Noble Virtues.

Interpretations of these virtues range from person to person, and from Kindred to Kindred. The following represent some of our opinions on how the virtues should be interpreted
The ancient Heathens held these certain virtues to be spiritual law.

These were not at all the only moral values of the ancient Heathens, but perhaps the most highly regarded. The ancient tribal laws began as custom and tradition, and these laws constituted those customs and traditions.

Before anyone can even think of approaching the Gods & Goddesses of Asatru, they should first make sure they know these spiritual laws well and consistently strive towards them.


1) Courage

2) Truth

3) Honour

4) Fidelity

5) Discipline

6) Hospitality

7) Industriousness

8) Self Reliance

9) Perseverance

These virtues were kept to enhance these aspects of being & qualities of the soul:




Read the full article with definitions  here:

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A Druid in Midgard

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Have you Woven your Wyrd Well

As this simple four letter word is loaded with so much Pagan Wisdom and History, I have just cleaned up a bit, the wise words of other leaves, that we may see a glimmer here of Wyrn. But have tried to leave source references where useful.

 Noun, - fate personified; any one of the three Weird Sisters (Our three Sisters of Fate)tdk

Anglo-Saxon deity - (Anglo-Saxon mythology) a deity worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons

The web of cause-and-effect that permeates the universe. The Germanic/North European equivalent of karma. Not to be understood as an externally-controlling fate but rather as the natural consequences of one's own actions; each person shapes their own wyrd. There are also family wyrd and national wyrd, which are shaped by the actions of the group as a whole. Wyrd, therefore, does not control our lives, it just responds to our own actions according to orlog, the fundamental law that governs the workings of our world.

"This is my wyrd, woven from the threads I have provided by my past thoughts and actions; I myself have designed the unfolding pattern of my life."
by Aelswyth Alansdohter June 21, 2007

Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny. The word is ancestral to Modern English weird, which retains its original meaning only dialectically.

The cognate term in Old Norse is urðr, with a similar meaning, but also personalized as one of the Norns, Urðr (anglicized as Urd) and appearing in the name of the holy well Urðarbrunnr in Norse mythology.

The Old English term wyrd derives from a Common Germanic term *wurđíz. Wyrd has cognates in Old Saxon wurd, Old High German wurt, Old Norse urðr, Dutchworden (to become), German werden and Low Saxon wörden.

The Proto-Indo-European root is *wert- "to turn, rotate". (The Cauldrons of Posey)tdk

in Common Germanic *wirþ- with a meaning "to come to pass, to become, to be due" (also in weorþ, the notion of "origin" or "worth" both in the sense of "connotation, price, value" and "affiliation, identity, esteem, honour and dignity.)

Old English wyrd is a verbal noun formed from the verb weorþan, meaning "to come to pass, to become".

The term developed into the modern English adjective weird.

Adjectival use develops in the 15th century, in the sense "having the power to control fate", originally in the name of the Weird Sisters, i.e. the classical Fates, in the Elizabethan period detached from their classical background as fays, and most notably appearing as the Three Witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth. From the 14th century to weird was also used as a verb in Scots, in the sense of "to preordain by decree of fate".

The modern spelling weird first appears in Scottish and Northern English dialects in the 16th century and is taken up in standard literary English from the 17th century. The regular modern English form would have been wird, from Early Modern English werd. The substitution of werd by weird in the northern dialects is "difficult to account for".

The now most common meaning of weird, "odd, strange", is first attested in 1815, originally with a connotation of the supernatural or portentuous (especially in the collocation weird and wonderful), but by the early 20th century increasingly applied to everyday situations.

Fate in Germanic mythology, the Norns:

Wyrd is a feminine noun,[3] and its Norse cognate urðr, besides meaning "fate", is the name of one of the Norns; urðr is literally "that which has come to pass", verðandi is "what is in the process of happening" (the present participle of the verb cognate to weorþan) and skuld "debt, guilt" (from a Germanic root *skul- "to owe", also found in English shall).

Between themselves, the Norns weave fate or ørlǫg (from ór "out, from, beyond" and lǫg "law", and may be interpreted literally as "beyond law"). According to Voluspa 20, the three Norns "set up the laws", "decided on the lives of the children of time" and "promulgate their ørlǫg". Frigg, on the other hand, while she "knows all ørlǫg", "says it not herself" (Lokasenna 30). ørlǫglausa "ørlǫg-less" occurs in Voluspa 17 in reference to driftwood, that is given breath, warmth and spirit by three gods, to create the first humans, Ask ("Ash") and Embla (possibly "Elm").

Mentions of wyrd in Old English literature include The Wanderer, "Wyrd bið ful aræd" ("Fate remains wholly inexorable") and Beowulf, "Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!" ("Fate goes ever as she shall!"). 

The definitions given above for Orlog and Wyrd indicate that they are aspects of the same thing, that thing being 'Destiny', the predetermined pathway that Creation follows. However, that can be somewhat misleading. It does not mean 'predetermined' in the sense of 'unavoidable'. Many people regard Destiny as being either an excuse for doing nothing and assuming Destiny will 'find' them; or an excuse for doing anything they want and 'blaming' it on Destiny. The twin concepts of Orlog and Wyrd have no place for either of these attitudes.

Instead, they are the natural course of one's life. Everybody is born with certain abilities: strengths in some areas, weaknesses in others. One's own Wyrd is the way these abilities will lead you through life. Problems, confusion, stress and depression arise when we try (whether through our own actions or external pressure) to work against it. This can be regarded as the Reality of our Life. Therefore Wyrd is related to the Web of Reality. The difference between Wyrd and the Web is that  we can leave the path of our Wyrd, but the Web (the Reality) of our new situation will always remain with us, and will constantly be attempting to pull us back on course.

One of the principles of Asatru is to seek one's own Orlog and endeavor to work with it. This means learning to live with the Reality of yourself, using your strengths and accepting your weaknesses, while at the same time attempting to use them as strengths by working with them and not against them. This shows that, while living against your Orlog creates problems, living in accordance with your Orlog will not necessarily be easy, although it will be regarded as challenging rather than problematical.

The concepts of Orlog and Wyrd do not end here, however. All things have their own Orlog, their own Path of Reality. This includes concepts and situations. It also includes Creation itself. All individual Orlogs are facets of the Universal Orlog, and all are part of the great Web of Fate being woven by the Norns.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Storm Away 08-23-14

Targey Focus  strong Easter movement and dissipation 

Papa Legba hear my plead 

Open your magick crossroads far out at sea.

Into this portal draw the storm far from me.

And as always I honor thee.

TDK / The Druid King

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Druid Path 1917

For those that hearts yet yearn of lost love in Inis Erinn

Or dark ancient Hearth and Hollow.

Still hear white birds cry of lost love flying over sea marge sand.

Carry the Distaff with Three Bells yet must live or work in the lands of the uneven cross.

Perhaps you too would find Magick in this old book .

We are now reading in "The Druid Path" reading room, I know I did.

The Druid Path by Marah Ellis Ryan 1917

Yet the Boon be free for those that ride the Digital Tide.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Modern or Ancient Learning Techniques and Conjure Work.

Reading the below linked article on learning.

4 Strategies for Remembering Everything You Learn

I am struck how similar these are to ancient Druid / Bardic techniques used for teaching Triads for the Celts.

I address this process as I understand it (different from most it seems for Triads)  in my blog on Druid Speak  .

And to me it seems clear they would aid in ones Conjure or Spell Arts also.

Who love to hear if you also see value in them and how / why you feel they would help your Art.


Friday, August 8, 2014

What we so soon forget under the Druid's Tree

I will be using a 1809 Published work by one of my favorite Welsh scholars, Dear Edward "Celtic" Davies.

The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids. In which I have find great wisdom and keen insight by dear Edward.

We must keep in mind that most if not all Druid or Pagan related Public Published Works from the thirteenth to nineteenth century authors was funding from sucking on the religious tit of Christian Church, Christian Crown or Christian Landed Nobility or Christian Schools   In  lands were Pagans were illegal and those accused could lose Livelihood Land and even Life its self.

So it is up to the astute reader to peel back the Faux Gold leaf of Abramic Religious that so often encased these works of wisdom on our Druid / Pagan past.

While we now have much religious Freedoms today, if not in the Public's eye or Purse. We as Neo-Pagans and Neo-Druids   and I feel we all are by the fact that we live in these current times.

Seem to spend much time and energy defining redefining and Denigrating our own past. By first pretending to want to know it yet failing to accept what records we do have as history handed down it truth if not full understanding and technical details. But as mere children's fanciful fairy tales from forgotten Walt Disney's of the Ice Stone and early Iron ages.

So the first thing I want to address from even the Cover page of the book is how we have corrupted and tried to redefine common works and terms to mean new but pretending often to be old things.

Today few will call Druid / Celtic beliefs Heathen or Heathenism , yet here we find the term Heathenism
on the cover page and yes an "ism" too.

What else were we rediscover as we turn the leafs lost in in the past.

Note this blog will be an ongoing project and updated often (I hope).

The year is 1809 and a view of ancient British Druids is ?

Was ancient British Druids considered Heathens ? A term now craved out of both Druid and Pagan identifications by ND's  (Neo Druids) .
Yes > Cover page.

ism  Druidism
Was ancient British Druid believes considered  an "ism" , something so many ND's  (Neo Druids) deny today?
Yes >  , (vii, Bards who were professed votaries of Druidism),

Druidical: Use of this term.
Yes  > , vii

Druidism a philosophy only:
Many Christians in oaken robes and refugees from Christianity that wish not to ire other Christians or keep a secret "get out of Christian Hell Card"  Make this claim as do many Neo-Pagans.
No  >  ix, (Taliesin a Bard perhaps a Druid but converted from "Druidical  Idolatry to Christianity") does this sound like Druidism was considered just a sweet Tree Hugging Natural Philosophy only?

Were ancient British Druids  considered  Pagan Britons?
Yes >  page a 3

Was the "Mythology and Rites of the British Druids" considered to be or to define a Religion  practiced by the ancient Druids and Bards?
Yes pages , vi,

I doubt if this blog will allow me to record all the points I find of interest in this 661 page work but at least I will lay claim to how Druids were viewed in the past by other wiser minds than mine and perhaps besides Awen why I still view them and myself this way.

TDK / The Druid King

And yes lady Jane I am aware of the irony of blogs lead picture.  Lol 

(c) George King 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014


There is much more to Cartomancy than meets the common eye.

The  Waite deck, even with its intended Lie or wrong symbolism, is a Psychological Profile of Human conditions in 78 frames by. A.E. Waite, it took Shakespeare many whole plays to do this.

So Visualization framework effects mental framework and of course both reader and read.

How well does the imagery unlock your Super consciousness so that you can access information beyond standard vague cards meanings?

Then there is a Radionic Biofeedback electrodermal response training/effect if you are good. (The right card become sticky at the right time, even as you can not see what the card is.

Is the Deck Hot or Cold? This comes from Deck being possessed.

Does the Deck have a Tulpas artificial spirit type entity in it?

Did you create it or someone else?

>> Tibetans monks call created thought forms called
tulpas. <<

Does it have another form of spirit entity in it?

On what terms with Deck's host are you?

Etc etc etc.

Arthur Edward Waite 1910

FYI out of the Mouth of The Golden Dawn.

A Free Downloadable Book:

TDK / The Druid King

(c)  Text only George King 2014

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Blood and DNA Magick Question

Do you use Blood Magick ?

And yes it has many forms and shades.,
To say nothing of the Sources too..
There is a  difference here from first Question.
Do you use DNA Magick and yes while Blood is also a DNA source,

Do you use both in same work (spell) ?
Of course Both Blood and DNA would only be parts of the Art being cast..

Perhaps I should explain a bit more ?

As I understand it from  the work of other and my own.

Blood is most often used as a sacrifice, personal or someone or animals
 (and in case of animal full life force most often)
 as a spell power source or a calling card (to Deity Loa-Lwa etc).

Sometimes Blood is used as a Binding force (ID - DNA mode) to connect you to your own spell.

And as in Blood oaths blnding people as Blood Kin and all that it stands for.

The  DNA mode --anything that links directly to spell's target.

Moon Blood (menstrual)
Mood Seeds (semen)

Bone in case of Gede (Dead and Ancestors) etc.

This is the Radionic ID  (identification) / Web like URL  (universal resource locator) / addressing mode.

Then of course we do not want to leave quantum physic's  particle entanglement and Schrödinger's cat without a Magick Sandpan.

TDK  / The Druid King

(C) George King 2014